2 Carlson Parkway Suite 120 Wayzata, MN 55447

How to Tighten Your Face and Neck Before Summer Hits

How to Tighten Your Face and Neck Before Summer HitsWrinkles and loose skin are common as you age, but most patients who exhibit these features merely tolerate their appearance rather than fully appreciate them. With the summer sun right around the corner, having a refreshed look is essential, but it also means that you may not have time to undergo extensive surgery.

If you have a desire to look younger, you have several different treatment options available. Plastic surgery may be something to consider, but if you don’t want to experience incisions or extensive downtime, then a procedure like a facelift or a neck lift might not be right for you.

Minimally invasive treatment is available to help you achieve many of the results you desire without surgery. Dr. Smith offers the Venus Concept to tighten skin and promote your youthful features. With just one treatment session, you will see a significant difference in the quality of your skin.

What Is Venus Skin Tightening?

Venus Skin Tightening is a noninvasive procedure that works to firm the skin along the face and body. The treatment simultaneously uses radio frequency energy and pulsed magnetic fields, known as (MP)² to penetrate below the skin’s surface and stimulate your body’s natural healing properties as well as blood circulation.

Venus treatments are effective on the face and neck as well as other regions of the body. For facial rejuvenation, a diamond polar wand evenly distributes thermal heat that reinvigorates collagen and elastin production within the dermis, causing skin cells to regenerate and a new layer of skin to form. Revitalizing your skin happens within just one procedure with very few side effects.

The unique design of the diamond polar wand makes treating the particular contours of the face more feasible, reaching complicated areas that round devices can’t. The even distribution of thermal energy also ensures that the skin doesn’t become damaged and that every area being treated receives the same amount of energy.

Why Receive Skin Tightening Now?

Summer is the time to show off your skin. Swimming pools, beaches and other outdoor activities prompt swimming suits and shorter clothing, causing more skin to show. The tighter your skin looks, the more flattering it will become in your clothes, even if you are only receiving treatment to your face and neck.

The biggest benefit to receiving Venus skin tightening treatment is how quickly you can anticipate your results. Most treatment sessions don’t take any longer than 30 minutes to complete, depending on the area of skin. Side effects are also mild, which means you can return to the poolside in a matter of days.

Finding out whether you are a candidate for treatment with the Venus Concept is simple. All you have to do is schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith who can perform an evaluation of your skin and suggest the best method of treatment for your needs.

For more information about Venus skin tightening, contact Sapphire Advanced Aesthetics at 952-460- 1970 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith.