2 Carlson Parkway Suite 120 Wayzata, MN 55447

BodyTite Skin Tightening Minneapolis, MN

Regular exercise and healthy eating habits are essential if you want to get your body in shape. But if you started living healthy, looking to lose weight, you may have noticed something: certain parts of your body are not losing weight. In your underarms, beneath your chin, and around your abdomen… these parts of the body are known to harbor pockets of fat that won’t go away through diet and exercise alone.

These stubborn pockets of fat result from a number of factors, including genetics, gender and hormones. Some people are naturally predisposed to develop fat in areas where it is difficult to remove. A woman’s body naturally harbors fat for energy. Hormones influence fat placement. These factors make it difficult to remove stubborn pockets of fat. Thankfully, skin tightening treatments can bypass these factors, contouring parts of your body inflicted by unwanted pockets of fat.

BodyTite is a highly effective skin tightening treatment that can help you reach your aesthetic goals. The minimally-invasive treatment combines skin tightening and body contouring techniques by utilizing radiofrequency (RF) technology. If you are a resident of Wayzata, MN, or surrounding communities, please contact Sapphire Advanced Aesthetics at 952-460-1970 or visit our contact page to schedule a BodyTite consultation with Dr. Leslie Smith.

Skin Tightening in minneapolis mn

BodyTite Overview

BodyTite utilizes a revolutionary technology known as radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL). The treatment involves inserting a hollow tube, known as a cannula, through a small incision in your body where unwanted fat is prominent. This cannula releases radiofrequency energy externally and internally, which generates heat to induce the fatty tissue into a state of lipolysis. Inducing your fat into this state ultimately causes it to break down. As the fat liquefies, it is immediately suctioned by the cannula. While breaking down the fat, the heat will simultaneously boost your production of collagen, a vital protein that promotes skin tightening. BodyTite is a comprehensive treatment that relieves your body of unwanted fat while contouring your skin so that it’s flattering to your new figure.

Benefits of BodyTite

BodyTite is a skin tightening treatment that offers many benefits, including:

  • Safe for all skin tones and types
  • In-office treatment
  • Little to no downtime
  • Small treatment areas treated in less than half an hour
  • It is not performed with general anesthesia
  • Effective for fat reduction and skin tightening
  • Few side effects, compared to liposuction
  • Produces no visible scars
  • Promotes collagen production

BodyTite is a customizable treatment that can shape, lift and tighten nearly any part of your body. Parts of the body where BodyTite is commonly performed are the:

  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Knees
  • Buttocks
  • Flanks

Ideal Candidates for BodyTite

Skin Tightening in minneapolis mn

BodyTite is the ideal treatment if you have loose skin and stubborn pockets of fat in your arms, hips or thighs, among other trouble areas. BodyTite is also ideal if you are wary of undergoing the knife and wish to avoid surgical procedures for body contouring purposes.

BodyTite is best performed on patients that are at or near their target weight. While BodyTite is a fat-reducing technology, it is not meant to be used specifically for weight loss. Patients are encouraged to wait until they reach an appropriate BMI to undergo the BodyTite treatment. Likewise, while the treatment addresses loose skin, it’s best-suited for patients that have mild to moderate skin laxity. The treatment does not work well with severe sagging skin. You may be recommended an invasive surgical procedure if this is the case.

Other contraindications that may prevent you from being considered for BodyTite include if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Knowing if you are a strong candidate for BodyTite will require a consultation with Dr. Leslie Smith. She can assess your skin and fat concerns to determine if the treatment is right for you.

The BodyTite Treatment

Your BodyTite treatment will be performed utilizing local anesthesia and sedation, ensuring total comfort. When the anesthesia has taken effect, Dr. Leslie Smith will make a small incision in your desired treatment site, through which she will insert the cannula. While the cannula is inserted, an electrode will be passed along your skin, which creates a thermal heating field. The radiofrequency energy will gently heat for unwanted fat cells, ultimately causing them to liquefy, which the cannula suctions. Simultaneously, the BodyTite device stimulates your production of collagen and elastin, furthering skin tightening.

BodyTite features built-in temperature sensors, which protect the surface of your skin and underlying tissues from overheating. The device will be passed across the entire treatment area, ensuring consistent results. Depending on your desired treatment area’s size, a BodyTite treatment can last between one to four hours.

BodyTite Recovery and Results

Skin Tightening in minneapolis mnImmediately after your BodyTite treatment, you will be able to return home. You will need to wait approximately one to two days to return to work and should avoid strenuous activities, such as exercise, for at least two to three weeks.

Swelling, bruising and uneven skin may be prevalent in your treatment site. Swelling and bruising may take a couple of weeks to go away, while uneven skin can persist for two to three weeks. These are normal side effects. Uneven skin is apparent because it will take some time for the remaining fat to redistribute, which will gradually contour into a more flattering shape.

Your BodyTite results will be visible immediately after your treatment. However, it can take approximately six to 12 months until your final results are fully realized as increased collagen production continues to address skin laxity and your fat redistributes to more flattering contours. When your final results have been attained, you can live your life with confidence, knowing that you have a figure that’s worthy of flaunting and not defined by undesirable pockets of fat.

BodyTite FAQs

What Does BodyTite Do?

BodyTite is an exceptional treatment that contours parts of the body inflicted by undesirable pockets of fat. The treatment liquefies the fat then suctions it away while simultaneously tightening the surrounding skin tissue by promoting collagen production.

What Is BodyTite?

BodyTite is an FDA-approved device that is minimally invasive. BodyTite was developed by InMode, a lead developer in aesthetic technologies. The device utilizes a process known as radiofrequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL). BodyTite’s unique technology offers patients a solution for cosmetic concerns that would usually require surgical intervention, such as a tummy tuck or arm lift.

What Areas Can BodyTite Be Used to Treat?

BodyTite is a treatment that can be used to treat nearly anywhere on the body where unwanted fat deposits and mild to moderate skin sagging are prominent. Areas where BodyTite is commonly performed include the arms, buttock, chin, hips and thighs.

How Long Does a BodyTite Treatment Last?

The length of a BodyTite treatment depends on which part of the body is being treated and how many areas are being treated. Treatment lasts for approximately 30 to 45 minutes. However, typically patients desire multiple areas to be treated, so treatment sessions last approximately one to three hours.

Is BodyTite Comfortable?

Local anesthesia is utilized during a BodyTite treatment, which will ensure the treatment is a comfortable experience. Soreness and tenderness may be experienced after treatment, but these are mild and temporary. Pain medication may be prescribed if it is desired.

Are There Side Effects of BodyTite?

Some potential side effects after a BodyTite treatment include uneven skin, bruising, swelling, redness and sensitivity. These are minor side effects and go away after several weeks. Some more severe side effects include seromas, pockets of fluid that build up after a procedure. However, these are uncommon.

Will BodyTite Leave Scars?

BodyTite does not leave behind scars because it is a minimally invasive treatment. The treatment involves making a tiny incision through which the cannula is inserted and will not need stitches. The tiny incision will heal naturally and will not leave behind evidence of a procedure taking place.

Are BodyTite Results Permanent?

The removed fat cells after a BodyTite treatment will not return. However, maintaining your results will require a bit of work. While the removed fat cells will not return, your remaining fat cells can expand if you don’t lead a healthy lifestyle, causing undesirable fat deposits to reappear. So long as you maintain a healthy, active lifestyle, your results can last for many years. Cosmetic issues concerning skin sagging, however, can return as the natural aging process becomes a factor.

How Many BodyTite Treatments Will I Need?

BodyTite can attain beautiful results in as little as one session. However, in some cases, patients may need additional treatment sessions to acquire their desired results.

Can BodyTite Be Combined with Other Treatments?

BodyTite can be combined with other treatments. Patients can experience a comprehensive body contouring treatment by combining their BodyTite session with other procedures, including a mini tummy tuck or a fat transfer. A mini tummy tuck can further body contouring in the abdomen, while fat transfer can add volume to your buttock.

Other treatments that BodyTite can be combined with include neuromodulators and dermal fillers. While they aren’t body contouring treatments, neuromodulators and dermal fillers can help provide an added beauty boost. Neuromodulators and dermal fillers help relieve your skin of wrinkles and lines.

What Is the Difference Between BodyTite and Venus Legacy Skin Tightening?

BodyTite and Venus Legacy are skin tightening treatments that vary technologically. Venus Legacy uses a technology that combines radiofrequency with magnetic pulses that target multiple tissue depths while simultaneously stimulating collagen production. Like BodyTite, Venus Legacy breaks down unwanted fat cells and relieves sagging skin. However, Venus Legacy is best suited for treating fat concerns related to cellulite. BodyTite is meant for more noticeable fat deposits that are prominent in various parts of the body. Also, the technology behind BodyTite creates more comprehensive results, allowing for one treatment session to be necessary to attain optimal results typically. Multiple treatment sessions of Venus Legacy may be needed for achieving desired results.

Essentially, patients desiring skin tightening specifically may find Venus Legacy the more desirable treatment. However, BodyTite leads to greater results by relieving your body of unwanted fat deposits and loose skin while requiring fewer sessions. Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Leslie Smith is the best way to determine which skin tightening treatment best suits your needs.

Why Have Your BodyTite Treatment Performed at Sapphire Advanced Aesthetics?

Sapphire Advanced Aesthetics is an exceptional cosmetic practice serving residents of Wayzata, MN, and surrounding communities. The practice offers a wide range of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that are performed under the expertise of Dr. Leslie Smith, a board-certified surgeon that specializes in soft tissues. Patients can be confident that they will be in good care with Dr. Leslie Smith. With over a decade of experience in cosmetic procedures, Dr. Leslie Smith utilizes her years of professional experience to ensure you receive results based on your desired outcomes.

Getting your body in shape requires a lot of work. Eating healthy and hitting the gym are keys to success. However, perhaps you have noticed if you have been leading a healthy lifestyle, certain parts of your body seem permanently inflicted with fat deposits. Your chin, legs, and arms are parts of your body where, no matter how often you work out or eat healthily, their improvement never seems to occur. This lack of improvement is due to various reasons, including genetics, gender and hormones, making unwanted fat displacement out of your control. Thankfully, you can gain control of your fat by having it treated and removed with the skin tightening device BodyTite. Improve your figure and confidence after one BodyTite session.

If you are a resident of Wayzata, MN, or surrounding communities and are struggling with your appearance due to an unwanted buildup of fat tissue, please contact Sapphire Advanced Aesthetics. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Leslie Smith and learn more about the benefits of BodyTite and other skin tightening treatments we offer. Contact us at 952-460-1970 or visit our contact page.